ATTENTION: Crisis Update

DATELINE – March 14, 2020 – UNITED STATES – New Strain of Mental Virus Discovered

Officials today revealed a new strain of the mental virus that is sweeping the country faster than coronavirus (COVID-19) and in fact, is outdistancing it. The base virus has been in existence from the dawn of mankind that exhibits itself in new strains during times of crisis. The new strain of mental virus has been named cuckoovirus (STUPVID-19) and appears to affect the immature and ill-prepared. The following symptoms are:

  • Panic and hysteria
  • A lack of common sense
  • Suspicious tendencies (tend to believe anyone sneezing or coughing is infected with COVID-19 instead of possibly having allergies)
  • Knee jerking
  • Lemming type tendencies (following the crowd)
  • Hoarding of goods
  • Self-quarantine without any good reason
  • Posing as a reliable source of information by the constant posting of their situation and the crisis on social media
  • Mass buying of goods that will never be used in this lifetime (i.e. toilet paper)
  • Nonsensical statements

administration adult anchor anchorman

Officials have stated, as with all such mental viruses, prevention is the best cure. One leading authority in common sense interviewed said, “A healthy mind brought on by a healthy mental diet is the best prevention. Actually, it is the only cure for the disease.” He went on to say that the old adage “you can’t fix stupid” is true, but you can treat the symptoms. He listed a few remedies for the prevention and maintenance of STUPVID-19. The main way, he stated, was by being prepared, informed, and asking questions. He offered the following direction in the prevention and maintenance of the cuckoovirus STUPVID-19:

  • Don’t believe everything the news media says. Ask, “Is it really as bad as they say or is this mostly hype to cause mass panic to increase the viewing of their newscast?”
  • Get your information from a reliable source. Ask, “What is this source’s agenda?”
  • Don’t believe all the social media. Ask, “Is Bubba really a reliable source of information?”
  • Check your actions. Ask, “Do I really need this much toilet paper?”
  • Show compassion and think of others. Ask, “Is there someone I could help during this time of crisis?”
  • Slow down and think. Use the acronym “STOP”
    • S – Stop
    • T – Think
    • O – Observe
    • P – Proceed
  • Be prepared for all emergencies. “What do I, and my family need to ride out this crisis?”

woman in red long sleeve writing on chalk board

An exit interview of people leaving a supermarket revealed some symptoms of the disease. When asked why they were buying so much toilet paper, their responses were all similar to the most common response along the line of: “I don’t know. I guess because everyone else is doing it.”  One source told us that in times of crisis 10% of the population will remain calm while the remaining 90% will panic. “This is not rocket science,” she said.

Officials are urging the public to thoughtfully prepare for this and any crisis. Others are turning to Traditional American Remedies (TAR) to combat the virus. These include “a swift kick to the pants” or a “smack to the face or the back of the head” in hope of administering a “jolt of reality.” But officials have warned that these methods have not been proven by any scientific study to result in a cure and are usually administered by those who are impatient of the infected. The sane are urged to keep their distance from those exhibiting symptoms of STUPVID-19 as the best course of action. Human to human contact may cause more infection and a wider spread of the outbreak.


man in black suit leaning on railings smiling

***Reader Caution*** If you believe this article to be real instead of being a parody, you may be suffering from cuckoovirus STUPVID-19. It is suggested that you seek mental health attention immediately. Please call ahead as most facilities are believed to be overwhelmed at this time. Thank you.

The Birdbox – An Alternative View

The Theme

The current rage movie at the beginning of 2019 seems to be The Birdbox. I haven’t seen all the movie, but enough of it to get the gist. Honestly, I did not care for the language. I am not pointing fingers if you watched it, I just knew that it wasn’t for me. Two of my daughters, however, were curious as to what it was about and watched it to the end. I promise to try not to spoil it for you if you want to watch it as I discuss it here.

man blindfolded

In short, there is some creature, monster, presence, when seen by a human, causes the human to kill themselves. It is assumed as being something evil. Therefore, you see all the people who are wearing blindfolds in the trailer, memes, etc. in an attempt not to look at it. It stars Sandra Bullock as a mom determined to save her children, and they are blindfolded for most of what I saw of the movie. As to why it is called The Birdbox, you’ll have to find that out. I’m not giving that away.

animal animal portrait animal world annoyed

I came through the room several times and watched a few scenes. Enough to get an idea of what was happening. I asked what the presence was and was told: “we don’t know.” Where did it come from? Same answer. I told them to let me know when they find out where it came from. You know, was it space or some resident evil. I got the look, so I thought it best to move on.

Humanity in the movie was facing possible extinction by this presence. It all revolved around eyesight. Therefore you were safer if you were blindfolded when stepping outside or you could exist inside as long as the windows were blocked. It seems the presence couldn’t get inside somehow.

Of course, I being me, I had to wonder “would God ever allow or even send such a curse or plague on humankind?” And if he did, why would he? I went to the Bible to research any such happenings, since this curse, presence, whatever, seemed to be akin to the plagues of biblical and apocalyptic proportions? Here is what I found.

The Study of Plagues and Curses

person in black coat and hat with plague doctor mask

In all cases that I could find there is a warning to the people of the day to turn or return from evil or wicked ways. (For discussion on what the Bible calls sin and wickedness, click here). The Bible calls the turning from sin repentance. It is a military term that means to make an about-face. It is a 180-degree turn in the opposite direction. The wayward people are called to forsake their wicked ways and turn or return to God and godly ways.

There is a promise of forgiveness. Many times in the Bible, individuals, and nations have turned from their wickedness and asked for forgiveness. God granted it, albeit there were times that he still let consequences fall that were in motion. There are also many instances where individuals and nations did not turn, and God judged them for their wickedness.

God preferred restoration over destruction. People groups, including his chosen people, the Israelites, were warned before judgment fell. God warned because he wanted restoration of his relationship with them. Scripture after scripture, God pleads for the wayward to turn from their wickedness. Many times he states that he has no pleasure in the death of saint or sinner.

Biblical Application

body of water

Though there are at least a hundred references or more to plagues and curses for disobedience and evil, Old and New Testament, I have listed a few that could be applied to this movie’s theme as they deal with blindness and /or darkness.

I will bring distress on the people, and they will walk like blind men because they have sinned against the LORD. Their blood will be poured out like dust and their entrails like filth. – Zephaniah 1:17

The LORD will send upon you curses, confusion, and rebuke, in all you undertake to do, until you are destroyed and until you perish quickly, on account of the evil of your deeds, because you have forsaken Me. – Deuteronomy 28:20-24

“And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to light, lest his deeds should be exposed.” – John 3:19-20

And for this cause, God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. – Thessalonians 2:11-12

Now Back to Our Movie

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With the previous in mind, I would like to rewrite the movie a little from that perspective. First, the people of the day had to have a warning that judgment was coming. The movie, of course, does not have this element, so let’s insert it as happening before the opening credits. Let’s say there was a prophet of the day which quoted our scriptures above to the people.

The people were wicked, and they had been warned to turn from that wickedness or suffer judgment. With that, we would know that the people of the day did not respond and subsequently, God sent this presence. The prophet would have warned that the people lived in darkness and chose darkness. Now, they would live in physical darkness or die.

The presence could be demonic, or it could be like the angel of death that was sent by God to judge the Egyptians during the ten plagues pronounced by Moses. By the way, one of the ten plagues was a darkness upon the land. This plague will also appear in the time of tribulation spoken of in the book of Revelation.

One more element we would have to write into the movie would be a way for those who would turn from their ways to survive. This would be salvation. They would be the ones that would survive, not because of their own goodness, but because God would have granted them sanctuary from the presence. That salvation could be before the judgment or during. Depends on what the warning was from our prophet. If it was like the angel of death in Egypt, then somewhere in this Birdbox world, there would be those who could survive, but only because of their turning to God and following as he instructed to be saved.

The Angel of Death

horror crime death psychopath

One day, we will all look into the face of death, and it will mean our end on this earth. God has warned all of us of that end. The question in the air is this: then what? For those who have turned to God, forsaking their wickedness, accepting the redemption through his Son, Jesus, knowing they cannot save themselves, there will be eternity with God. For those who do not, there is eternal separation from God.

People do not have to be blind or wear blindfolds when dealing with God. He sent his Son for this purpose:

“Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about him spread through the whole countryside. He was teaching in their synagogues, and everyone praised him.

He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. He stood up to read, and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written:

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him. He began by saying to them, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” – Luke 4:14-21 (NIV)

An Ageless Conversation

Recently, a 23-year old young lady presented me with a text conversation she had with her 24- year old young male cousin. As I read the exchange, I thought how this is really an ageless conversation that every generation goes through. I wonder how many defendants of Christianity this generation has like this young lady. I asked her if I could share it. He also gave his consent. Here is the exchange as she shared it with me.

Young Lady:  Why do you not believe in God?

Young Man: Ok, so I mean there are a lot of reasons honestly. The easier question would be for me to ask you why you do… For instance, why do you? And follow up, would you have said that if not for your parents? If you look at history, the entire history of man, usually the things that were unexplainable were treated as “gods” or something similar. Fire for primitive man. A whole number of Greek gods (fire, water, thunder, etc.) all the way through the scientific revolution really. Humans have historically created these religions or gods to explain the unexplainable. It’s just no longer necessary. It was something that was fabricated to appease them at the time. And the whole concept is just super silly… Like someone came up with this idea, and managed to convince others of it and it snowballs. Or people are forced to practice by their societies or governments, etc. Take Catholicism for example. Why do you think that it was so popular? Well it catered to women who had no significant societal worth for the longest time and then all of the sudden there is this philosophy that is saying that they are equals. Of course they will want to side with it. The catholic indulgences… a concept created solely to make money and capitalize on human nature. Back to other religions. Hinduism pre-dates all other modern religions. Ask any serious Hindu and I guarantee you that they will be steadfast in that they are right in their belief. Yet Christianity morphed multiple times from Judaism into what it is today. Yet Christianity is somehow correct and Hinduism, which existed before that is wrong? Why? If you tell me yes, it is purely because some person decided that to be the case arbitrarily a long time ago. Buddhism was formed out of one man’s frustration with Jainism, which itself was a branch off of Vedic religion in India. Gautama (now referred to as the Buddha) went on this gargantuan journey to find the meaning of life, yada, yada, and ultimately what he decided caught on to become modern day Buddhism. What I’m getting at is that all these religions have existed over the millennia. Some have come and gone, some are new, some are old, and every single one of them formed in a different way and every one of them (most) believes itself and none of the others to be true and correct. The entire concept of religion was fabricated by man. Each one was tailored to the time and place it began. There was a great amount of turmoil in the world during the scientific revolution because these scholars were discovering things and proposing things that were not mentioned in any religious text. Up until that time, mostly anything not expressly mentioned in a religious text was considered either blasphemy or nonsense but finally they were able to prove these things. So why did they exclude all these things? Because humans hadn’t figured it out yet. The religions were created to explain it and when a factual scientific explanation was discovered there was an issue because it conflicted with the religion. So the religions morphed and adapted to keep on going. Don’t get offended by this, but the entire concept is just hilarious to me. These books that were written by men, were arbitrarily assembled and now constitute the Bible. Why aren’t other books in it? There are many other books by a lot of the same authors in the Bible yet they aren’t in the Bible. I could go on and on. But I guess it’s just that science explains everything. Anything that we can’t explain, still have a scientific explanation, we just haven’t figured it out yet, but we will. Religion and god is just not necessary to me. I don’t need it. Why do you?

Young Lady:  Because he is real and is alive?? My question is do you know everything? Religion or not do you? Not judging or anything like that but do you?

Young Man: No, I definitely don’t know everything. Also, just FYI, you can’t possibly offend me about anything pertaining to religion so don’t worry. But “why don’t I” isn’t a valid answer. Why do you believe what you believe? And you can’t say anything about just having faith because there is a root reason why you would even “have faith” in the first place. The question at hand is one that there can never truly be a binary answer to, simply because the definition of god doesn’t allow it to ever be definitively disproved. However, the fact that it cannot be proven that there is no god, is irrelevant as to whether or not there really is or isn’t. In other words, you can’t say that just because you can’t prove the in-existence of god implies that there is a god. But whereas I have fundamental reasons why I don’t believe there is a god, you have yet to give any reason why you think there is. So for every reason you give me I’ll ask you why you believe that, and so on and so on until you get to a reason that I cannot ask why you believe that. So what is/are the core reasons? If you have seen him give and take away, why do you think there is a god that has anything to do with that? Life and death are concepts that have evolved over billions of years. At one time there was no life, and thus no death, until there was inorganic matter that combined to become organic and it progressed from there. So, why is it that you believe that is justification for a god. (Btw, I’m not trying to be mean or try and change your mind, just trying to understand why you believe what you believe)(Also btw, I’ve found that many many people don’t know why they believe what they believe).

Young Lady: I have read your message a hundred times it seems. Every point you made. Everything you have said. As well as the couple of questions you have asked. I have typed and retype what I am trying to put into words. I may not be as good as you putting it into words, but you know what you believe. Here is Someone who puts into words what I believe better than I can verbally. Since you are firm in what you believe and me in mine, then it may just be a comedy show for you. To me it is not nor will it ever be. These clips aren’t the entire debate. It is actually a two hour debate. It’s excellent. It points out both sides of Christianity versus atheism as well as evolution. I don’t expect you to want to watch the two hours. I feel as if you will say it would be a waste of time since you are so busy. With that being said, I figure I would send you three separate videos. If you want me to send you the entire video and you listen to it on and off I will gladly.

Young Lady to Me: Well, no response even 24 hours later. God is real and society needs to pray for the generation that is the future.

The references the young lady sent him were from Kent Hovind. A link to a small taste of the debates is listed below.

Kent Hovind at his best in 7 minutes

Margins and Guardrails

Once I heard a speaker talk about living in the margins. He caught my interest, so I listened up.

blank business close up composition

“Take a piece of notebook paper,” he said. “Yes, they still make them. Notice the lines that run perpendicular to the horizontal lines. From that line to the edge is the margin.”

I was tracking with him. He went on to explain that too many of us live outside the main body of the page and into the margins. Subsequently, when something goes wrong, we go off the page.

Living in the margins is also known as living in the fast lane. It leads to burnout, relational problems, health problems due to stress, etc. We need to strive to live in the main body of the paper, so when things go sideways, we may wind up in the margins, but our lives don’t go off the page or out of control.

How do we stay out of the margins and stay in the main area? A friend and I were discussing this, and he pointed out that the vertical lines that denote the margins can be viewed as guardrails. Guardrails are in place along roadsides and bridges to keep us on the path, bridge, or track and out of the shoulder area and subsequently into the ditch.

My friend used his weight as an example. He has an ideal weight he strives for, but he also has a “warning weight.” When he gets too close to his warning weight, he knows that he has to make a change to remain where he wants to be. If he stays over the warning weight (the guardrail or warning grooves), then he will live in the margins or on the shoulder which can be detrimental.

black car instrument cluster panel

Recently, I rented a car that had a “lane assist” feature that when activated, not only alerts the driver to potentially going over the road lane markings, but it will also adjust the steering for you. If you take your hands off the wheel, it will keep the vehicle within the lane markings. However, after a few seconds, it beeps and flashes a warning on the instrument panel that driver attention is needed.  I am not sure how it knows the driver is not touching the steering wheel, but it knows. You too can set up parameters to make sure you are staying in the lane and not crossing guardrails or going into margins.

In review, there are four key components to consider: the lane or body area, guardrails or warning grooves, the margins or shoulders, and off the page or in the ditch. There are subcomponents to consider as well.

The lane

This is where we live, where the rubber meets the road. We don’t just sit in the lane. We are moving. You have to have a destination in mind. Where are you going? What will it take to get you there?

The guardrails or shoulder grooves

These are the warning systems we put in place to alert us to the potential that we are going off course. These, of course, slow us down, but they are not quiet about it. There are also warning and informational signs and mile markers along the wayside. Do you have a mentor or someone you can be accountable to concerning your goals? Do you regularly evaluate your goals or destination?

The margins or shoulder

adult alone anxious black and white

Here we have lost our focus. This happens. It is not the end of the journey nor is it time to be alarmed. Sometimes we have to pull over to fix a flat, but when we are done, we don’t stay there.  We don’t live there. We certainly don’t travel there. Some call this a rut. A rut, someone has said is a grave with the ends knocked out. There are other times where we have wound up on the side of the road or in the margin and didn’t realize it. This often happens before we know it and because we were distracted. It also happens because there were no guardrails or warning grooves in place. Why are you on the side of the road? Did someone or something force you to the side? Did you wind up here accidentally? How long have you been there? What will it take to get you moving again?

Off the paper or in the ditch

This is a dangerous area. Many people do not recover from this part. Often if someone is pulled or pulls themselves out of the ditch, the damage is not repairable. They have to start with a new sheet of paper or go down a different road, usually bearing the scars that come from ditch living.

You can apply this analogy of the roadway or paper to almost any area of your life. It can apply to your job, your marriage, other relationships, your finances, your health, etc. Notice I said to apply. It is a choice. It is intentional. You have to apply the strategy on purpose to stay on track, to install the guardrails, to stay off the side of the road, and to stay out of the ditch. You decide. You must take responsibility. People will run you off the road, into the margins, but you don’t have to stay there.

You may ask, “How do I get started or if I am moving how do I direct the rest of the journey?” I am glad you asked. There are good helps out there, but I will recommend several here that are generic. You can find some that are more specific to the goal or destination you are striving to obtain.

The Lane or Main Body of the PageA Purpose Driven Life – Rick Warren. Everyone needs a reason to succeed. We all need to discover our purpose. This book is a great place to start.

The Guardrails or Warning GroovesBoundaries – Henry Cloud. This book helps you outline and live a balanced life.

The Margins or ShoulderGet Out of That Pit – Beth Moore. As someone who has been on the shoulders of life, Beth can relate to being stuck on the side of the road. In this book, she gives practical helps to get you started again.

Off the Page or In the DitchHow I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling– Frank Bettger. Don’t let the title fool you. This book is far more reaching than just selling. Yes, this is a great book if you are in sales. However, if you are in the ditch, you have to sell yourself the idea of getting out of that ditch. This book is an excellent tool.


On this day, we as a nation take a designated day to recognize and appreciate those who proudly wore a uniform to serve and protect their country.

The term “their country” is a vague description of all that we call American. Even with all that is wrong with this nation and the human experience, thousands still proudly stand ready to defend it. Truth be told, most of those who no longer wear the uniform, would tell you they would do it again if needed.

Two songs, The Star Spangled Banner and Taps, still bring a tear to my eye because they remind me of the sacrifice of my fathers and some friends. They also fill me with a sense of pride.

Today, I salute my fellow veterans and say thank you to you and your families for your service and support.

The Worst of Man, the Best of Man

With Hurricane Michael slamming into and ripping apart parts of Florida, Georgia, and Alabama, there were plenty of opportunities. Opportunities for mankind to sink low and take advantage of his fellow man and for mankind to rise up and help. Stories abound of both.

A drunk driver swerved off the road and killed three linemen in Chipley, Florida. The National Guard was stationed in just about every town and hamlet to ward off vandalism and thievery. I saw a mobile vendor set up shop in Greenwood, Florida and sell food at prices one wouldn’t be asked to pay at fairs or amusement parks. I saw roofing contractors inflating the estimates on work so the owner could get more money. These are just a few examples of what I know. We could fill pages with how people were being scammed. However…

I saw more good than bad. Most of the people I encountered put their own needs on a back burner to help those around them. Many of them with damage to their own property felt “it can wait” and “others have it worse than we do.” These people formed a small army within their communities, working tirelessly helping others.

Friendship Baptist Church in Malone, Florida happened to be on the same electrical leg as the local prison, so when power was restored to the correctional facility the church also got power. Even before they received power, they opened their doors to be a major supplies distribution center to Malone and the surrounding areas. Men would load up supplies in their trucks and deliver goods to people out in rural areas who had no power and subsequently, no water. It complicated matters when vehicles were under trees or blocked in by trees covering driveways. The men, in their trucks, went around the debris to reach the people in need.

For several days, Friendship would feed anyone who came to their fellowship hall, including National Guard, linemen, first responders, and folks who hadn’t had a hot meal in days. When the area around Malone received power, the supplies were shipped to Marianna to help the people there.

Our little country church reached deep and out to those around us in southeast Alabama and even into Florida. A local gas station donated a pallet of water. We sent two small groups to Florida with supplies. Each time we discovered needs, we sent out the word, and the needs were met. We opened our pastorium to a displaced minister and his family from Florida until they could make other arrangements.

When in Florida, we made friends with an associate pastor and his family from Marianna who had been working so much to help their community that they had hardly touched their own yard. It was littered with huge oaks the wind had toppled. They had to drive on their lawn because their driveway was blocked. In short, with their help, we cleared out the driveway of the trees and limbs. We took a blower to it for good measure.

I personally reached out to the company where I work, both corporately and locally. The response was tremendous. Locally, my fellow workers gave supplies to our church to distribute in Florida. Supplies were shipped to us from Kansas, other parts of Florida, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and even from colleagues in North Carolina who had just gone through Hurricane Florence.

I am not recounting any of this to sound our horn. I am offering these few stories as a reminder of the goodness of God that still resides in our land and in our neighbors. The stories are endless of the sacrifice whole communities and individuals have made. I am only privy to these. They are a testimony to the good that still exists and the good that still can be done in the world. God is good and he continues to work through human hands to heal human hurts even in the darkest of times.

A Guarded Inheritance

I Peter 1:3-5

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to His great mercy, He has caused us to be born again into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.”

As the Bible so often does, here is a nugget of truth on which volumes could be written. As I read this, I wondered why I have never heard this verse used at funerals. Funerals are those things that make us reflect on our own lives even when we don’t want to, especially when the departed is around our age or younger. I had the displeasure of experiencing this not too long ago.

Living and Dying

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This one statement tells us how we should live and die. As Jesus told Nicodemus in John, chapter three, you must be born again. Who causes this to happen? God, according to His great mercy and through the atoning life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Our rebirth is into a hope that is living. This hope is not the kind that one would use in wishing something is true, but rather is a trust in something real, yet to come. It is a surety not realized, just like in Hebrews 11:1. That trust is in an inheritance that we will one day receive. That inheritance will not perish, will never be defiled, and will not fade – ever.

Beyond Imagination

This inheritance if far beyond our imagination here on earth. It is waiting for us in the holiest home of heaven. It is such a treasure for us that it is even being guarded until such time as we arrive to receive it. We believe it not because we wish it to be, but because it truly is. Our faith can be steadfast in the power of God to reveal our inheritance to us at the right time and will be given only then.

Be Encouraged

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As the bible says, it is appointed for man to die and that there will be a judgment.  No one wants to think about this reality of living. You must die one day. You must stand before a righteous God in judgment on how you lived this life. Every work, word, and deed will be revealed at that time. For Christians, the vault will be opened, and that guarded inheritance will be revealed and bestowed. This is what we should be looking forward to when times are tough when we feel lonely, and when we feel fear. Don’t feel beaten down, but encouraged that God takes note of all you are going through here and will reward you there with a guarded inheritance, specifically for you, with your name on it. That is great and wonderful news.

No One Escapes

Audio Podcast Version

Christians Are Not Exempt

No one escapes this earthly death. No one escapes the pain. Somehow people seem to think that Christians get a bye on the whole earth experience thing. Even some Christians are shocked when they suffer. Christians don’t escape the natural and moral evil of this world. We are not supposed to. Just because we become believers in Christ doesn’t mean all life from here after (down here anyway) will be without pain or heartache. Christians die too, sometimes very horribly.

“But doesn’t God love us? Why would he let such things happen to us if we are his children and we trust in him?” This presumes that we should get preferential treatment from God. He lets us live life with all the heartache, wonder, pleasure, and tragedy. It wouldn’t be life if we didn’t. We all go through this life together in a broken world. Though our spirits have been born again, our bodies still age and die because they are still under the curse of sin, as is all creation.

We Are No Accident

Christians know they are going to die, and when they die, they do spend eternity with God in heaven. So, why does he leave us here? He created us to fulfill a purpose that he had in mind. He had a purpose first and then created us. He didn’t say, “Hmmm. There is going to be this little baby boy named T.J. born, and I wonder what I should have him do?” No. He said, “I have a purpose, and I am going to create this person named T.J. (or fill in your name) to fulfill it.” When my purpose is done, then so am I.

QuoteChristians should take the view that they are the leading character in their own action movie. Just like any good story, the protagonist will face obstacles and challenges as he or she navigates their way through the story. I see my life as an adventure and have many times told people “the hard times are just part of this adventure I call my life.” There are many dangers, toils, and snares, not to mention that villain. You are the leading character, but not the hero, Jesus is, but like any good main character, you will triumph in the end.

The good thing is, you get reviews as you go, by the Holy Spirit who is the protagonist’s mentor. Jesus is the author and finisher of the movie, who also should have a starring role. God is working in the backdrop to weave your story into the series that he has created.

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You, my friend have to decide how good of an actor you want to be. Do you follow the script, realizing that everything is working for your good because you love God and are called according to his purpose? Or do you try to change the script to fulfill how you think it should be directed? That will get you bad reviews for sure.

Remember, no one escapes death, not at least the first death. If you are a Christian, you like everyone else will suffer the first death (unless Jesus comes to get us first). You die once, live twice. But, if you have never accepted Christ as your Savior, then you will die twice and live once.

It’s A Choice

What is your choice? Do you accept the role that God has written for you to receive great acclaim in his name or do you play your own part and suffer the severe consequences? Will your life be a “tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” or will you be famous in your Father’s eyes? Me? I want a standing ovation from Jesus with a “well done, thou good and faithful servant.” He leaves the choice up to all of us. Life is not a dress rehearsal. You don’t get a second chance once the credits roll.

Everyone Has a Story

Everyone has a story. I am no different. There is a significant part of my story that I rarely tell. I guess because it is so far in my past, but it really has defined my present and future. In Christian circles, it’s called “your testimony” or your “witness.” The thing is, our lives (current tense) should be our testimony and witness, so I don’t usually tell this part.

action aim ancient architecture

I was in the fifth grade, the second son of a single mother and the middle child of three. I loved history, and I loved knowledge. On this particular day in spring, I was playing “army” which means I was staging a battle somewhere in the dirt between several armies. In this particular scenario, I was creating my own invasion of the Greeks by the Persians. Forget the fact that the Greeks were green plastic army men with a splattering of anything I could find to represent fighting men. I.e., shotgun shells, plastic firemen, etc. The invading army was usually blue army men and their contingents. The only thing separating these two was the body of water that flowed between. In reality, it was the dirty washing machine water that drained out to soak the ground. Flood stage came along with the spin cycle.

On this Saturday morning, a kind old gentleman named Mr. Juneau stopped in our yard to talk with this dirty kid playing in the muddy water. He first asked if my mother was home. I told him she was gone and would be back soon. He asked if we went to church anywhere. I told him no. He asked me what I was doing and patiently listened as I explained the invasion. He then asked if I would like to go roller skating next week. I told I would be glad to. He said he would stop by during the week and talk to my mom about it and he left.

In the course of things, Mr. Juneau started picking up us kids to go to Sunday school and church along with other children on the church bus. Through that experience, a man listening to the voice of God to go and seek the lost, several of us were found for eternity. It didn’t stop there. God moved in my life and has blessed me immeasurably. I think of how far Jesus has brought me, from that dirty kid playing in dirty soapy, washing machine water to where I am today. He could have left me there in my dirt and in my sad estate or could he? I think not. His love for me wouldn’t allow it. If I were to die today, it would be well with my soul, because the keeper of my soul has let me live a life that I have not earned nor deserved. Truly, far blessed than I deserved. Cory Asbury (and everyone else who has picked up this song) has it right when he sings of the “reckless love of God.” I couldn’t earn it. I don’t deserve it. Still, Jesus gave himself away.

sunset hands love woman

I tell this part of my life to say this: Jesus is faithful, and he loves you. If you do not know him, you can. If you do not know him, you should. It will cost you nothing, and you will gain everything. I am not talking material possessions. For some to be blessed materially is actually a curse that will keep them from God. So, don’t come to Jesus to see what you can get materially. Come to Jesus to see what you can get spiritually and eternally. Trust him above all things. He truly loves you and is faithful in all things. This is my testimony: let my life and words bear witness to the gracious love of God.

A Little Honesty

Audio Version

I have read many times for one to be a writer, you must write. Write something every day. It doesn’t matter what you write, just write. Uh, right. What about when you are not inspired to write or when you draw a blank? Are you still a writer. I mean, after all, you are not writing. You are just sitting there looking at a blank screen. Your eyes are staring at the blinking cursor and your brain is doing the same. Just blinking like it is buffering while you have the haunting feeling that you have written everything out that you had within you and there is nothing left.

To say the least, it is depressing. But I also find that I am in this state when I am depressed. Yes, depression and I are well acquainted. I could just dismiss it as the moods and minds of creatives. Yet, I know me enough to know that it goes deeper than that. It even goes deeper than just being unchallenged. I know it revolves around significance.

Don’t get me wrong. I fully believe if God had nothing else left for me to do on this earth, He would take me home. I look back on how God has moved in my life and has used me. When I mean significance, I mean, am I making a difference with what I have left; am I on target for what I am supposed to be doing or am I way off track? The depression is a signal that I am off track and have let myself become distracted.

I was cleaning my office recently when I came across a piece of paper where I had written what I believed was success in my life. It read, “Success to me means leading my family to a point of faith in God and helping them know Him intimately. Leading by example, my legacy would be one of wisdom, love, and encouragement.”

My biggest obstacle in life is that I allow myself to become overextended and allow myself to be entangled with the worries of the world. Then, I take my eyes off Jesus and look at my circumstances instead of Him. A big mistake every time. Yes, it is true. Relationships take work, even when that relationship is with the creator, sustainer, and savior of the world.

My greatest depression comes when I live my life apart from Him. Because when I don’t stay focused on Him, the rejections for auditions hurt more, the unanswered texts slight more; the unfinished projects pull more; and the seemingly insurmountable obligations scream more. But when they are examined in light of a right eternity and in the Master’s hand, they are shown for what they really are: fuel for my success.

Bottom line:

  • Depression is real, for a number of reasons.
  • You can’t trust your emotions.
  • You only see one side of your circumstances.
  • God is faithful even when you are not.
  • Valleys are always between two mountains. Keep moving.
  • God loves you and has not given up on you. Don’t give up on Him.